Saturday, June 26, 2010

My First Dress.

This is the first dress I made. I started it in February, but due to a few set-backs and my own laziness, I only got round to finishing it last week. I changed it quite a bit from my original plan, but I'm happy with how it turned out.
I don't think it's bad for my first attempt at making something. I love the material and somehow, I still have lots leftover, so I'll be throwing together a simple skirt or even a pair of shorts - I'll post whatever I make when the time comes anyway!
Hopefully, it'll be sooner rather than later..
Until then, these snaps of my sundress will have to suffice.
Hope you all like it!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hello World!

So, this is my very first post. It's going to be VERY short as I have nothing prepared for this wonderous blog right now.
I'm hoping that very soon, I'll post pictures of the first dress I made which I finished only a few days ago..
And after that, the things I write could include anything from something I've baked to how horrible a bus journey was.
Fingers crossed I won't be too boring.
For now, that's all..
